Nepalish is a prominent directory of local business, destinations, emergency services of Nepal & provides crowd-source review about local business & places.
Not as Expected as Pashupati Prasad!!! Neither Good nor Bad..
Just made for the sake of making sequal, no story nor any character in center,
Not as expected.
Not as Expected as Pashupati Prasad!!! Neither Good nor Bad..
Just made for the sake of making sequal, no story nor any character in center,
Not as expected.
हुने खाने लाई हो भाट भटेनी
हामी नहुने लाई बुधबारे हटिया ठिक छ ।
फिल्म ठिक तर स्वस्तिमा लाई अलि हनुमान जस्तै लुकाएको भए कडा हुन्थ्यो त्यही नि राम्रो छ
Top Jhur movie 😬
Top Jhur movie 😬
paisa ko barbad